August Spotify | The Industry Series, Part I: SELF AUDIT  

A professional energy audit will provide the most accurate opportunities to address energy loss in your home or business, but a simple yet diligent walk-through can spot many problem areas. This self-audit, or “Do it Yourself” approach will not result in as thorough an assessment as say an ASHRAE Level 2, the same way self-reflection won’t go as deep as psychotherapy, but you have to start someplace!

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PG&E | Options for you and your household!

PG&E’s geographic reach covers a large part of the state of California, and we know that communities within this space are vastly different. Rate options are no different! Because the communities are so different and have various needs, there are a handful of rate options for PG&E customers to utilize. From Home Charging to TOU, there is an option for you. Take a look below to learn more.

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Technology Tuesdays: Is Snow the Answer to Our Air Conditioning Problem?

The race to avoid the most devastating effects of climate change is on and it is driving a lot of innovation. One of the greatest attributes to greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) is air conditioning. Air conditioning is one of the great conundrums of our time because the effects of climate change cause us to use more air conditioning to cool us off. Adversely, the more air conditioning we use, the more we negatively affect the climate.

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Got Grants | Part 4

Just last month, we were able to highlight a variety of funding opportunities through our Learning Bundles- please find a couple those grants below as well as some additional opportunities! Whether looking for funding to improve your community or increase your energy efficiency, the grant to help may be on this list!

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Rural Voices Part 6 | High Sierra Energy Foundation

The formation of a rural regional energy network (RuralREN) will allow local entities, who know their communities and the unique characteristic and obstacles such as: climate zones, language and income, to design and implement programs that meet the distinctive needs of local ratepayers. Regional energy networks were developed to address this gap and this localized approach will garner more equitable and meaningful outcomes for our rural and hard-to-reach communities – and they deserve that.

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July Spotify | a BLOCKBUSTER sequel!

Who doesn’t love a sequel? In celebration of some of us being brave enough to return to the movie theatre, or those of us just really excited for Black Widow to run for free on Disney+ we gladly bring back the soundtrack* playlist!

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Technology Tuesdays: Advances in Water Heating Technology

Many people overlook their water heaters and often do not know just how much of their home or facility’s energy usage can be attributed to their water heater. Water heaters are one of the most utilized appliances and the most seldom seen. Although we don’t think about them a whole lot unless something is wrong, let’s not overlook some of the biggest innovations in water heating technology of recent decades which have turbocharged energy efficiency and reduced environmental impact.

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Rural Voices Part 5 | Sierra Business Council

Since many Sierra towns are geographically isolated it is difficult for all customers to easily take advantage of utility energy efficiency programs. It is often the most vulnerable of utility customers who do not have equitable access to utility energy efficiency programs in which they pay into every month. We view this (Rural REN) as a collaborative opportunity to bridge the gaps and more comprehensively serve our rural regions.

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Technology Tuesdays: Pre-insulated Pipe

Currently, there are investor-owned utilities that offer considerable incentives for installing pipe insulation due to the great potential for energy savings. However, these incentives are for insulation that is installed after-the-fact where insulation was not previously existing. What if the pipe and the insulation can be installed together as a singular measure?

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