Posts tagged Technology Tuesday
Technology Tuesdays: Energy Efficient Cooking Part II, 5-in-One Ovens

We are all done with the ghosts, ghouls, and goblins of Halloween, and we are looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas. November 1st is the unofficial start of the holiday season. This is, by far, my favorite time of the year. However, while we are all gearing up for yet another wonderful holiday season and its traditions, it is important to understand and seek out new and more efficient ways of doing the things that we love, even if they are traditional.

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Technology Tuesdays: How to Cool Off with No AC

We all know the scenario: it is the middle of summer and the middle of the hottest temperature streak in recent memory. You hear a strange noise coming from your air conditioning unit just before it starts blowing what feels like warm air. Without a doubt, your AC has decided to take an unscheduled hiatus during the time you need it the most! Not to mention the other compounding issues with getting it repaired.

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Technology Tuesdays: Distributed Energy Resources (DERs)

A DER can be made up of many things but the overall purpose of it is to “help support the delivery of clean, reliable power to additional customers and reduce electricity losses along transmission and distribution lines.” Distributed energy resources are small scale electricity resources that help to meet supply and demand by using their interconnectivity to the grid

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Technology Tuesdays: Using Technology to Save Money This Summer

This is the first summer season where new peak rates have been implemented across all sectors and all California utilities, meaning, peak time is from 4pm to 9pm as opposed to the old timeframe which was noon to 7pm. It is never too late to take a look at your buildings to be sure you are ready for those hot summer months and to be sure they don’t break the bank!

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Technology Tuesdays: Where Are All the Electric Trucks?

Earth Day is coming up on Friday and it is such a special time of the year. It is special because we have the opportunity, to take a moment to appreciate the Earth and all of the wonderful things it offers us each day. We also have the opportunity to educate people on the things we can do to help preserve our resources.

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Technology Tuesdays: Building Electrification

Building electrification is definitely a popular buzz word these days. However, as with most buzz words, people use them without fully understanding the meaning. In this case, people sometimes use the term “building electrification” without fully understanding its impacts. Let us start with the definition of building electrification.

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