Technology Tuesdays: Let’s Talk About Water, Baby!

Hello Partners!

We talk about energy efficiency and energy conservation a lot. However, we don’t talk nearly enough about water efficiency and water conservation. There isn’t a better time than now to talk about these items and how we can approach our water usage given California’s current, extreme state of drought.

What exactly are we talking about when we discuss water efficiency and conservation? First off, we are still talking about energy efficiency and energy conservation because water and energy are inextricably tied. This is because, in order to use water, we must move it to where we need it. In order to move it, we need energy.

To fully understand the topic at hand here, we need to understand the difference between conservation and efficiency. Constellation’s website does a great job of explaining the difference between the two: Conservation can be defined as, “using less energy by adjusting your behaviors and habits.” Efficiency, although related, is a slightly different concept and can be defined as, “using technology that requires less energy to perform the same function.”

So, how to we both conserve and use water more efficiently and, in turn, conserve and use energy more efficiently? There are a few key things that everyone can do to help:

1. Faucet Aerators - If you have not already done so, install faucet aerators. This is an easy and painless way to save water because aerators make it feel as if you have the same amount of water pressure. However, in actuality, you are using much less water to perform the same tasks.

2. High Efficiency Toilets - Install high efficiency toilets. This may be a bit more difficult for some because toilets are not cheap. However, if it is getting close to time to replace your toilet, be sure to look at the more efficient models that are available. The annual water savings will make it worth the extra upfront investment.

3. Recycle Indoor Water – Recycling indoor water takes some practice and forward thinking but once you get the hang of it, you can save some serious water. Instead of pouring out the water you just used to boil pasta or eggs, let it cool and use it to water your plants; this is just one example. Once you start to look around, you’ll notice just how much water goes down the drain that can be used to keep your garden beautiful.

4. Fix Leaks – Leaky fixtures is one of the most significant ways in which water is wasted. A leaky fixture can cause hundreds of gallons of water wasted each year.

These are a few minor and mostly painless ways that you can make a big impact in conserving and using water efficiently which also impacts energy usage. We are hopeful the drought will be over soon however, when it is, we should all continue to do these things to conserve this very finite resource.

The savings never stop!

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