Technology Tuesdays: Using Technology to Save Money This Summer

Hello Partners, Happy Star Wars Day, AND Happy Cinco de Mayo!!!

This is one of the best times of the year because there is so much going on and so much to celebrate and look forward to. As we make our way through the mild-weathered spring months and begin looking to the hot summer months, there are some things we should be keeping in mind.

This is the first summer season where new peak rates have been implemented across all sectors and all California utilities, meaning, peak time is from 4pm to 9pm as opposed to the old timeframe which was noon to 7pm. It is never too late to take a look at your buildings to be sure you are ready for those hot summer months and to be sure they don’t break the bank!

Here are some items to focus on ahead of the first heat waves of the summer season:

Smart Thermostats – If you do not already have one installed, it is not too late to get a rebate on a newly purchased one! This is a great way to manage your energy usage without having to think about it all the time. Most smart thermostats are able to learn your normal routine and optimize energy usage when the rates are most favorable. For example, your smart thermostat can be set to cool your home or office off before 2pm when electricity rates are the cheapest. For the remainder of the day, run fans to continue to circulate that cooler air until after peak time is over.

Economizers – Any HVAC service technician will probably tell you that economizers are generally, in one of two states of operation: broken and about to be broken. This is why regular HVAC service and repair is so important.  If you do not have a service that handles this for you, it would be a great time to look into getting one. Making sure your HVAC unit is working optimally should not be something you only think about if the unit is inoperable. You can save lots of money not only by addressing necessary repairs before they put your unit out of order, and you at an inconvenience, but it also ensures your unit is operating as efficiently as possible. If you don’t know where to start, reach out to your utility provider. For example, PG&E has the HVAC Optimization Program for these services.

Window Shading – We all love to enjoy the warm sun during the summer months. However, we have to be smart with how we enjoy it. For example, sunlight will heat up an indoor space when it is coming through the windows. During the winter months when we are trying to keep our homes and offices as warm as possible, it makes sense to let the sunlight in. However, during the summer months, the name of the game is shade! Keep those curtains drawn, and blinds closed during the summer to prevent added stress on your air conditioner.

There are many, many more ways to save on your energy bill this summer, this is just a reminder of a few of the big ones. Stay cool and keep saving!

The savings never stop!

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