Posts tagged rhtr
Rural Voices Part 6 | High Sierra Energy Foundation

The formation of a rural regional energy network (RuralREN) will allow local entities, who know their communities and the unique characteristic and obstacles such as: climate zones, language and income, to design and implement programs that meet the distinctive needs of local ratepayers. Regional energy networks were developed to address this gap and this localized approach will garner more equitable and meaningful outcomes for our rural and hard-to-reach communities – and they deserve that.

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Rural Voices Part 5 | Sierra Business Council

Since many Sierra towns are geographically isolated it is difficult for all customers to easily take advantage of utility energy efficiency programs. It is often the most vulnerable of utility customers who do not have equitable access to utility energy efficiency programs in which they pay into every month. We view this (Rural REN) as a collaborative opportunity to bridge the gaps and more comprehensively serve our rural regions.

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