SJVCEO and SoCalREN | August Updates

Greetings all! We are bringing you August updates in partnership with SoCalREN. Project installations, assessments, and new enrollments are a few of the successes that we achieved throughout the month of August and are looking forward to bringing more opportunities in the last few months of this year.


City of Woodlake: No updates to report

City of Tulare: Pump project is installed and now just going over paperwork and post install assessments. Savings and project best practices coming soon!

City of Visalia: No updates to report

City of Barstow: : Underwent audit at 4 facilities to ID EE upgrades as well as DER’s for future city planning. Holding a meeting later this month to go over items and see how and where to move forward

City of Lindsay: Just held a project proposal meeting with the city. City personnel are looking to do a host of EE upgrades to the wellness center over the next year or so. City is looking over the proposal and hope to hear of an avenue forward at the beginning of September.

Kings County: County has held welcome meeting and got a quick glimpse into its energy usage. Next step is to hold the Comparative Energy Analysis Meeting that will hopefully pinpoint a few project opportunities.

City of Hanford: No updates to report

City of Victorville: No updates to report

City of Farmersville: No updates to report

Town of Apple Valley: Officially enrolled in the SoCalREN this month. A welcome meeting will be held soon to get the ball moving for EE projects!

SoCalREN Highlights

First and foremost, we want to welcome the Town of Apple Valley to the SoCalREN Public Agency Programs network! We are looking forward to continuing our work with this agency and capture energy savings that can be put back into their communities!

This month, SoCalREN released their newsletter that covers two important services that they can provide for you- benchmarking assistance AND K12 school EE resources. Click here to take a look at how enrolling with SoCalREN can bring your agency a suite of resources to ease the stress and help you save!