SCE | FAQs Surrounding TOU

SCE is providing their customers with an inside look to some Frequently Asked Questions all about rate options and more specifically the changes with the Time of Use transition. Take a look below and visit to learn more!

What are off-peak and on-peak hours?
Off-peak and on-peak hours refer to how much your rate costs during certain times of day. On-peak hours are the highest prices and occur from either 4 to 9 p.m. or 5 to 8 p.m. The name of your rate plan corresponds to your on-peak hours. Off-peak hours are any time of the day other than on-peak hours from 4 to 9 p.m. or 5 to 8 p.m. By understanding when your on-peak hours are, you can shift your energy use to times when energy is cheaper to save money on your monthly bill.

What’s the difference between TOU and the previous Tiered plan?
On your previous Tiered rate plan, you were billed based on how much energy you used every month, regardless of the time of day. Every month you were allocated a certain amount of low-cost energy based on where you live, and if you went over that amount, you were charged at a higher rate. If you used a lot of energy, you may have paid a High Usage Charge.

On TOU plans, your rate varies depending on the time of day, day of the week, and season. Rates are highest during on-peak hours from 4 to 9 p.m. or 5 to 8 p.m. depending on your rate plan, and lower during off-peak hours. Unliked the Tiered rate, you will never have to pay a higher rate based on how much energy you have already used this month. TOU plans also give you more control of your energy bill by allowing you to determine how much energy you use during on-peak and off-peak times.

What if I have an EV or plug-in hybrid vehicle?
If you have an electric vehicle (EV) and are currently on the TOU 4-9PM or TOU 5-8PM rate plan, you may want to consider switching to TOU PRIME. TOU PRIME is for households with electric vehicles or plug-in hybrid vehicles, a residential battery, or an electric heat pump system for water or space heating. This rate is only available for customers who can attest to certain clean energy technologies. Keep in mind that TOU PRIME does not qualify for bill protection.

What if I want to switch to my old plan?There is no minimum commitment period, and you can choose to sign up or un-enroll from the TOU-D-4-9PM, TOU-D-5-8PM, or TOU-D-PRIME rate plans at any time. Keep in mind that you may only switch rate plans twice in the 12-month period following your transition to the TOU rate.

How do I read my TOU bill?
Get step-by-step guidance on how to read your TOU bill with our Understanding Your Time-Of-Use (TOU) Bill PDF