January Spotify | Bringing in the ENERGY

Listen up y’all. Life didn’t hit reset at 12:00:01 AM on January 1. We’re still in a global pandemic, there’s still political unrest, the world is still angry, and Disneyland is still closed. But we can have hope. We bring can bring an energy to our lives that shines so bright it sustains us and brings us though the darkest night. We can do all of that, as Dumbledore says, if we remember to turn on the light—we just ask that it be an LED bulb and when you leave the room you remember to turn it off.

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Energizing the Workforce: Putting Energy in Education

As the new year commences, SJVCEO’s dedication to fighting for equitable workforce initiatives will push through. 2020 presented a new set of challenges for all and while we conquered through them (with some successes and some failures), our eyes opened even wider to the inequities in communities throughout California that were suffering at disproportionate levels. The year ahead presents a new chapter for us to author that will not only address these challenges head on but create a space for stakeholders to engage and converse about these challenges.

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SJVCEO | 2020 in Review

What a year it has BEEN for the SJVCEO! Like most of you, we have been confined to our homes since March 13th, but somehow, through all the chaos, we have made it through another year. We wanted to share our 2020 experiences and lessons learned a little different this year. Please click through these short clips to see some highlights of what we achieved this year and to hopefully have a laugh or two!

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Closing out the San Luis Obispo Energy Watch

The San Luis Obispo Energy Watch Partnership has been a collaborative partnership between the SJVCEO, PG&E (until June 2020), and Southern California Gas Company for the last two years. In partnership with the County, seven incorporated cities, and the special districts, the SLOEW aspired to create and support clean energy efforts to improve the quality of life for all residents.

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SCE | Customer Care in the Holiday Season

With another Stay-at-home impacting families throughout California, the holiday season is going to look a little different. To make the holiday season a little stressful than it already is, Southern California Edison continues to promote their customer care programs! Check out the information below from SCE’s website to look at more information on how to get discounted rates and the other services offered.

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Understand PSPS with SCE

With Wildfire season among us, Public Safety Power Shutoffs are also here. During high-risk conditions for a wildfire, we may temporarily shut off power to your neighborhood. This can prevent our electric system from becoming a source of ignition. Proactive shutoffs are temporary and meant to keep you and your community safe.

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November Spotify | we are FAMILY

The notion of family is individually meaningful to everyone, from nuclear ‘traditional’ families to downright dysfunctional or wonderfully diverse and modern. Perhaps your family experience is one of raucous laughter from dozens of cousins, or quiet memories with your core people, or maybe friends are the family you choose, Maybe your family has been broken and lost and then rebuilt into something new and more interesting. Whatever the case, there’s a song for that.”

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