Technology Tuesdays: Advanced Building Construction - ABC

Hello Partners!

We are back in the new year with another installment of Technology Tuesdays!

Now that we are at the beginning of a brand-new year, ‘tis the season our partners are often thinking about capital projects for the next fiscal cycle. So, it seems a great time to talk about the intersection of energy efficiency and new construction.  That intersection is called Advanced Building Construction or, ABC.

Building construction is a complex thing that encompasses many different things.  So, you can image Advanced Building Construction is even more so.  However, the concept is fairly simple: new building construction needs to incorporate the most energy efficient measures and technology possible.  The construction industry has seen very little innovation when compared to other industries such as manufacturing and communications which have seen dramatic transformation in recent decades.  80% of buildings in the United States were built prior to 1980 when much of the energy efficient building code was put into effect so, we have a lot of work to do!

ABC is geared toward incorporating the most technologically advanced methods in new building construction such as off-site manufacturing, robotics, and digitization of building design and construction processes.  These, among others, will lead to faster completion of construction projects as well as lower costs.  Keep in eye out for some of these advances!

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