SCE | Wrapping Up Time of Use!

After years of promoting SCE’s Time of Use Residential Transition, we are officially wrapping up this program! While many curve balls were thrown our way throughout the last few years, we are so proud of the outreach we conduct and how we were (digitally) able to reach our communities.

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Kelsey JonesSCE TOU, Wrap Up, 2022
Technology Tuesdays: Energy Efficient Cooking Part II, 5-in-One Ovens

We are all done with the ghosts, ghouls, and goblins of Halloween, and we are looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas. November 1st is the unofficial start of the holiday season. This is, by far, my favorite time of the year. However, while we are all gearing up for yet another wonderful holiday season and its traditions, it is important to understand and seek out new and more efficient ways of doing the things that we love, even if they are traditional.

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Got Grants | October Edition

We are back with October’s #GotGrants! As the year is somehow approaching a close, grant awards are not going anywhere! Be sure to click below to see the latest opportunities to help turn your project ideas into a reality!

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SJVCEOGot Grants