SCE | 2022 & Comparing TOU

In the last couple of years, we have learned a lot about Southern California Edison’s Time of Use rates and how they can benefit your household. Time-Of-Use plans are designed so you have options to reduce your overall costs. There are three specific rates within Time of Use, so scroll below to see which one will work best for you!

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SJVCEOSCE TOU, Residential Rate
SJVCEO and PG&E | In Case You Missed It!

Happy New Year everyone! If you recall, the SJVCEO and PG&E were quite busy last year with our Vlog Series that launched towards the end of the summer (which also seems like a lifetime ago). We executed a 3 episode series, that provided an in depth breakdown of PG&E customers resources to ensure that residents have the necessary tools to save on their energy bill month and be prepared for the Time of Use transition. Please see a breakdown of the episodes below just in case you missed them!

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Technology Tuesdays: Smart Buildings

To start off 2022, I would like to look back for just a brief moment. Smart technology is something we have discussed in the past in Technology Tuesdays. For example, we have covered smart sockets, smart power strips, smart thermostats, smart glass, and even smart neighborhoods. However, a smart building is a concept that incorporates many of those technologies into one application.

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SJVCEO | Where did 2021 go?

Another year down! While 2021 did look oddly similar to 2020, we have made it to the finish line. Even though we continued working from home with one day in office, the SJVCEO had quite a busy year. We wanted to highlight a few achievements that we are so proud of from this year so please check out the short clips below to learn more!

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