Technology Tuesdays: Ring in the New Year with Energy Savings

Hello Partners!

In just a few short days it will officially be 2022! Although New Year’s is coming up, we still have a few weeks of winter weather ahead of us. As such, we must remember the importance of the little things we do to reduce energy use.

Remember to keep your thermostat at a set temperature during the day and while you’re sleeping. It is best to keep the temperature set at 70° during the day and 60° at night when everyone is sleeping or when no one is home. It’s better if you can program your thermostat and better yet, if you have a smart thermostat. A smart thermostat will automatically optimize the temperature inside your home or office building for comfort and energy savings based on your habits.

It is also important to be sure as much warm air remains inside your home or office building as possible. There are a number of ways to do this. One way is to only heat the areas that are in use, if possible. Another way is to be sure your home or office building has adequate ceiling and wall insulation. In some cases, floor insulation is needed. Insulation is something that should be checked every few years to be sure it is doing its job. Insulation can be compromised which is why it should be checked periodically. For example, in cases where there is not adequate ventilation, condensation can form which will render insulation useless and in need of replacement.

Other ways to ensure you keep the warm air inside include looking to your doors and windows. Doors and windows are generally the weakest link when it comes to envelope. It is a good idea to check windows to ensure weatherstripping and caulking are properly installed and functioning. Also, be sure that doors are properly fitted with door shoes so that air is not escaping through the gaps underneath the door.

Another great tip for the winter months is to make sure you are doing what is called daylight harvesting! In the wintertime, you can reduce the amount of time you are using your lights as well as your heater by opening your blinds or curtains. The sun coming through will not only provide some much-needed light but it will also warm the space so your heater does not have to work as hard.

These tips and more will go a long way to help you save energy. As we move into a new year, keep in mind the basics to help you continue to save energy!

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