Time of Use in California

Electricity is more expensive when more of us are using it. This is called peak time and it exists between 4 PM and 9 PM.  

 When we come home from work or school, we turn on the heat or AC, make a snack or dinner, and Netflix and chill. This all takes a lot of energy and when we are all doing it at the same time, we make our energy systems work extra hard and pay for it, too. 

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Technology Tuesdays

This is no April Fools! 

According to the California Energy Efficiency Standards Code, Title 24, Part 6, LED lights are now the standard.  Scouts Honor! 

For most, this means drastic reductions to available rebates and incentives from your utility provider for the purchase and installation of LED lighting. 

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Everything you should know about the "GND"

A few weeks ago, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Senator Ed Markey (D-MA) released the Green New Deal Resolution.

Many responses hailed this resolution for being the kind of bold policy we need to see. Others said this was not only unattainable policy pushing us towards a utopian and renewable future within only 10 years, but was not detailed enough to get us anywhere. 

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What is a Revolving Loan Fund?

In this week’s Fund-It Fast Chat* SJVCEO dove into revolving loan fund… I mean revolving energy fund and what that even means.

Think of it this way when you set aside funds/savings you automatically have a coffer of funds on hand to designate specifically for energy projects. So, let’s break it down:

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Technology Tuesdays

I am sure you are all aware of the California’s push toward 100% renewable energy.  A BIG part of this initiative is building electrification.  Building electrification means, converting from using natural gas appliances to appliances that use electricity.  There are many cost-effective ways to do this.  An excellent solution that can replace your current gas furnace and save you BIG BUCKS is: 

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Green Your Clean

Using household ingredients like distilled vinegar and baking soda to your advantage makes for a sparkly clean and environmentally friendly and safe home! 

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Technology Tuesdays

Energy efficiency technology has come a very long way in recent years.  Ever heard of window glass that can adjust the amount of sunlight entering a room? 

This is a real thing and groundbreaking technology!  Electrochromic glass, also known as smart glass or electronically switchable glass allows a building occupant to control the amount of sunlight and heat that enters a room with the flick of a switch. 

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Renewable Natural Gas Now Flows into SoCalGas Pipelines from Calgren Dairy

LOS ANGELES, February 14, 2019 – Southern California Gas Co. (SoCalGas) and biogas producer Calgren Dairy Fuels (Calgren) today announced that renewable natural gas produced at Calgren’s dairy digester facility in Pixley, California is being injected into SoCalGas pipelines. The project marks the first time that carbon-

negative renewable natural gas produced from cow manure has been injected directly into SoCalGas’ natural gas system. In August 2018, SoCalGas began receiving renewable natural gas into its system from CR&R, Inc.’s anaerobic digestion facility in Perris, California. The renewable natural gas from that digestion facility is already being used to fuel about 400 waste hauling trucks. Renewable natural gas is a carbon-negative fuel produced from waste and agriculture that can be used in trucks and buses, to generate electricity, fuel heating systems in homes and businesses, and for cooking.

 “Developing renewable natural gas is a smart and cost-effective solution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation and building sectors,” said Sharon Tomkins SoCalGas vice president for customer solutions and strategy. “Replacing just 16 to 20 percent of our traditional natural gas with renewable natural gas would reduce emissions equal to electrifying 100 percent of buildings in the state, but it would be two to three times more cost-effective. Moreover, the renewable natural gas solution does not require expensive appliance change outs or costly new mandates.”

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Health and Climate Change

An article from the New England Journal of Medicine calls on the health sector to take on climate change and share the connections between climate disasters and long-term health impacts.

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Fund-It Fast Chat: What is OBF?

In this week’s Fund-It Fast Chat* SJVCEO dove into on-bill financing and how your pocketbook can benefit from the program.

Our team here at SJVCEO is guilty of playing the acronym game with many of the programs and financing opportunities that are open to customers. One such example is OBF…meaning on-bill financing. This funding mechanism is one that is very easy to understand and one we hope our customers ask to understand.

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Technology Tuesdays

In honor of our great Nation’s rich history we are taking a moment to recognize African American History Month. 

Here are some notable African American people that have contributed much to improve our daily lives: 

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SJVCEOTechnology Tuesday
How to be an eco-friendly pet owner

Being a dog-mom is one of my favorite things, and I wouldn’t give it up for the world. When I got my pup, however, many of my environmentally-conscious friends and families made sure to let me know that having a pet isn’t a very eco-friendly choice.  

 Why you ask? Well, to start, pets consume a lot of resources and they produce massive amounts of noxious waste. UCLA published a study on the amount of meat consumed and carbon dioxide produced by cats and dogs, and it’s all pretty astonishing.  

 So, I decided it was important to figure out how to be more eco-friendly with my dog-related purchases and activities. Here are a few tips that I try to follow: 

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Sustaining a Super Bowl

Every year there is such buzz over what some call the granddaddy of them all…the Super Bowl. With over 75,000 people filling the street of this year’s site along with endless numbers of media and celebrities how does the NFL claim to make the event “sustainable”? With that question in mind I did some digging and am glad to say that the NFL proved my skepticism wrong.

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San Luis Obispo County Banking on Energy Efficiency

The San Luis Obispo County government reduced its energy use by 15 percent since 2010 in its efforts to save money and reduce environmental impacts — leading to big savings.

The county currently spends about $4.5 million on electricity and natural gas every year. By taking on some simple and more complex projects to retrofit buildings, staff estimate the county is saving $600,000 to $700,000 annually in energy and maintenance costs.

Savings will likely continue to grow as the county approaches its goal to reduce energy at county facilities by 20 percent by 2020.

“Through the collection of data from our new energy management software and having the right team in place, we are in a position to recommend and implement future energy efficient projects which make the best use of our taxpayer’s money,” Colt Esenwein, county Public Works director, said in a news release.

Click Here to Read Full Story.

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Technology Tuesdays

Let’s talk steam traps. What are they?

A steam trap is not, technically, new technology. They have been around since the 1970’s. They have also been gaining much more “steam” in recent years in the realm of energy efficiency. Steam traps allow systems to work much more efficiently, they help to dramatically reduce corrosion in pipes by removing water (condensate) from steam systems, and have a return on investment of less than 1 year

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Renewable Energy 101

We hear so many people express interest in renewable energy, but they also share with us that they don’t know much about renewable energy or which types are best for their homes.

So how do you get started?

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NEW! Technology Tuesdays

Happy New Year from the METU Program!!!!

We still have a couple of months of cold weather left in the season and it’s not too late to think about ways to save on heating costs. PG&E and SCE both offer rebates for the purchase of smart thermostats.

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SJVCEOTechnology Tuesday
My New Years Resolution

I rarely make New Years resolutions because I can rarely keep them. Terrible, I know. However, I have vowed to turn a new leaf in 2019. While these resolutions may not be particularly lofty, they are ones I know I can keep and they are environmentally friendly to boot!

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Have Yourself an Energy Efficiency Christmas

Even though we’re not in Buffalo or Mammoth Lakes, the Valley still gets chilly in winter and we use extra energy to keep our homes comfortable.

The good news is that there are some things you can do keep your home heated and your energy bills low during this time of year. Make your home cozy this winter with some of these tips:

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