SCE | 3 Simple Steps to Increase Your Savings

With a Time-Of-Use (TOU) plan, you can take advantage of lower rates during certain times or days. That means if you can follow a few easy guidelines, you can reduce your expenses, save energy, and even help the environment. How do TOU plans work? In a TOU plan, electricity prices go up during the times that demand for energy is the highest! Check out ways to increase those savings below!

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SJVCEO and SoCalREN | Q1 Done!

The end of March wraps up successful first quarter of 2021 in SJVCEO’s partnership with SoCalREN! Check out some updates below from our public agency partners to see the progress they have made in March and join us in welcoming a new public agency into this partnership!

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SCE Safety | Wildfire Mitigation and CCBB

SCE recently filed their 2021 Wildfire Mitigation Plan annual update, which outlines how they will expand existing programs, incorporate lessons learned and test new technologies to keep California communities safe from the threat of wildfire. This year, SCE looks forward to making significant progress in the following key focus areas:

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Rural Voices Part 2 | Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments (AMBAG)

The promise of the RuralREN is to bring a diversity of perspectives and knowledge to the table along with a deep commitment to providing as many opportunities to rural communities as possible. This approach will not only drive the creation of successful programs but also enable partners to learn from each other on energy efficiency issues along with the numerous other issues that our respective agencies engage on.

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Technology Tuesdays: Alternatives for Rooftop Air Conditioners

Here is some food for thought: your HVAC system accounts for around 30% of your building’s total energy usage. This can be a significant number if you live in certain parts of California. Specifically, the central valley where 100-degree weather is commonplace during the summer months. This fact is one of the reasons the market is looking for more efficient alternatives for rooftop air conditioners.

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SJVCEO and SoCalREN | February Update!

The SJVCEO, in partnership with SoCalREN, continues to support project proposals as well as outreach to partners on the various program opportunities. We are very happy with how 2021 is shaping up and can’t wait to share more details with you all!

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Energizing the Workforce | Spotlight on the Valley with ChargerHelp!

It is always a great day when we see energy related stories into the news, but even better when this news is coming from our own backyard. Our California communities are making strides and creating change where change is needed. Enhancing access to employment into a region that is often overlooked by countless programs and opportunities makes this news even better.

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