SCE | Residential Rate Comparison Tool

If you are able to manage your energy habits, one of our Time-Of-Use plans may be the best fit for your home. Rates on a TOU plan are based on the time of day and the season. TOU plans can help you manage your energy costs. By taking advantage of lower rates during off-peak and super off-peak periods, you can avoid higher weekday rates when energy resources are in demand. 

SCE’s Rate Plan Comparison tool offers optional Time-of-Use (TOU) rates so you can have greater control of your costs by managing your household energy use. Take a look below to see some highlights that may help answer some questions you may have!

 How do Time-of-Use rate plans work?
With Time-of-Use (TOU) rate plans, the price of electricity varies depending on the time of day and the season. Your energy bills are determined by when you use electricity and how much you use. If you're able to adjust what time of day, what day of the week, and how much total electricity you use, it may help lower your bill.

How do I change my rate plan with this tool?
To make a rate plan change, when you are in the Rate Plan Comparison Tool, at the bottom row of the comparison matrix, you should click on "Switch to This Rate Plan" below the plan you wish to choose.

If I am currently enrolled in any programs, can I remain enrolled with the TOU rate plan I choose?
Your enrollment in CARE, FERA, and/or the Summer Discount Plan (SDP) is included in both rate calculations and will not be affected if you switch to a TOU rate. You will continue to receive the discount associated with the program(s) you are enrolled in.

How is your rate plan analysis calculated?
SCE generates your rate plan comparison based on your historical energy usage and use that data to recommend available rates that may benefit you. The rate plan comparison shows you potential savings you may receive by switching to a different rate.

When I try to access my rate plan comparison, it says it's not available. Why is that?
There are a couple of reasons a rate plan comparison may not be available at this time. To create a rate plan comparison for you, we must have 12 months of your home's energy usage data. Net Energy Metering customers require 12 months on the program to see your rate options. For customers with less than 12 months of energy usage data, please call 1-866-701-7868
