"Sping into LEED" showcasing LEED certified buildings in the Central Valley SJVCEOFebruary 26, 2013Darius Assemi, LEED, Lance-Kashian, The Tower at Riverpark, USGBC, USGBC-CC
Grange Network to host first free webinar on efficient water delivery this Thursday SJVCEOFebruary 26, 20132013 Inauguration, AgH20, C6, Grange Network, Inge Bisconer, Jim Anshutz, Toro, agriculture, drip irrigation, energy efficiency, water efficiency, water energy
Commission Unveils Plan to Double U.S. Energy Productivity SJVCEOFebruary 25, 2013ASE, Alliance Commission on National Energy Efficiency Policy, Alliance to Save Energy, Energy 2030, Green economy, energy efficiency, energy policy
The Theory of Probability supplies not a small number of unexpected results, controversial problems and paradoxes. SJVCEOFebruary 22, 2013clean energy jobs, green jobs, jobs
Wellness Wednesday: What the frack?! SJVCEOFebruary 20, 2013FrackNation, Gasland, Matt Damon, Promised Land, Wellness Wednesday, fracking, hydraulic fracking
EPA Invites Communities to Apply for Smart Growth Assistance SJVCEOFebruary 15, 2013EPA, Smart Growth Implementation Assistance, funding opportunity, smart growth, technical assistance
We'll be there, will you? Regional Industry Cluster Initiative SJVCEOFebruary 8, 2013California Partnership for the San Joaquin Valley, Fresno State University, agriculture cluster, energy cluster, manufacturing cluster, water cluster
What is biomass electricity, and what waste to energy & biomass in California means for you and me. SJVCEOFebruary 7, 2013Bioenergy Interagency Working Group, California Air Resources Board, California's Bioenergy Action Plan, S-06-06, bioenergy, biofuel, biomass, renewable energy, waste to energy
Start with why SJVCEOFebruary 4, 2013EEFG, Gone with the Wind, Simon Sinek, TED, Tara, the Golden Circle
Wellness Wednesday: Smart Phones & Energy Usage SJVCEOJanuary 30, 2013Barry Fischer, Digital Detox, energy conservation, iPhone 5, iPhone, smart phones
Mystery unveiled, California and how it trades its caps. SJVCEOJanuary 29, 2013Air Resources Board, California Air Resources Board, Cap-and-trade, The Hunger Games, cap and trade
2013: Breakthrough Year On Climate? SJVCEOJanuary 24, 20132013 Inauguration, Barack Obama, Nepal, Point of no return, Stalled Congress, climate change, climate legislation, global warming, hurricane Sandy, sierra club
JOB OPENING: Energy Industry Fundamentals Adjunct Instructor SJVCEOJanuary 23, 2013C6, West Hills Community College, clean energy education, clean energy jobs, job posting
EE Tip from Fig & Olive: Bathroom Lighting SJVCEOJanuary 21, 2013Fig-Olive, energy efficiency, lighting retrofits
EE Tip From Fig & Olive: Staying Warm this Winter SJVCEOJanuary 11, 2013Fig-Olive, energy conservation, staying warm using less
Clean Energy Jobs Workshop: A Review SJVCEOJanuary 10, 2013C6, West Hills Community College, clean energy jobs