VIEW: Top 12 of 2012

The SJVCEO has served as the implementing partner for the Valley Innovative Energy Watch (VIEW), a local government energy efficiency partnership in Tulare and Kings counties, since it began in 2010. As we close out the first cycle of the partnership and the year we have much to reflect on and much to be thankful for. Here, in no particular order, are the top twelve accomplishments of the VIEW Partnership for 2012. Drum roll, please…


Top 12 of 2012

  1. Tirelessly benchmarked utility accounts for all partner jurisdictions using the EPA’s Portfolio Manager
  2. Completed Energy Action Plans for six participating jurisdictions
  3. Creation of ‘EE and Your GP: A VIEW Users Guide for incorporating Energy Efficiency in your General Plan’
  4. Updated the partnership brochure to better reflect partner leadership and efforts within the VIEW communities
  5. Participation in implementer Peer to Peer meetings in order to collaborate with other partnerships and utility managers, creating needed change to better fit the needs of jurisdictions such as an updated community savings requirements
  6. The 2nd Annual VIEW the Success luncheon was held in Visalia at the Vintage Press  with over 30 attendees including partner energy champions, local elected officials, and representatives for all three partner investor owned utilities
  7. PG&E Kill A Watt library lending program introduced for the counties
  8. For the first time, the partnership and SCE sponsored an LED holiday light display for one city block of downtown Hanford, including signage to promote LEDs to the community
  9. Participation in 8 community outreach events across all partner jurisdictions
  10. Energy Efficiency/Demand Side Management 101 presentations for the City of Woodlake, County of Kings and City of Hanford
  11. Creation of a project tracking database utilizing Microsoft Access
  12. Announcement of the addition of PG&E to VIEW – officially to start in 2013

Thank you to all of the VIEW partners! We look forward to sharing another two years together. 

VIEW is funded by California utility ratepayers and administered by Southern California Edison and Southern California Gas Company* under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission. *Pacific Gas and Electric Company will also administer the program with the two other utilities come January 2013.