Posts tagged microgrids
Technology Tuesday: Power of Artificial Intelligence in Microgrids

Some of my favorite movies of all time are stories about how artificial intelligence (AI) goes wrong. Movies such as I Robot, The Matrix, Eagle Eye, and The Terminator, in no particular order, are loads of fun to watch. The central theme in all of them is that technology becomes so advanced that it insists upon thinking for us for the betterment of the world as a whole; the conflict lies in their inadequate and nonhuman moral code. Fun stuff, right?

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Technology Tuesday: Smart Neighborhoods

Happy St. Patrick’s Day METU partners! 

I am sure we have all heard of smart phones, smart cars, and smart watches.  Some of us even live in smart homes but have you heard of a smart neighborhood? 

This concept has been slowly appearing across the country in places like suburban Birmingham, Alabama and the Upper West Side of Altanta, Georgia.  A smart neighborhood may be on its way somewhere near you! 

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