our November Fund-It Fast Chat featured some very exciting guests! The state of California is making an ambitious push toward electrification which will bring with it many changes. Many of us think of these changes as something that will happen at some point in the future, but they are actually happening right now. PG&E is working hard to develop programs that will make it easier for all of its customers to make the switch to electric in their homes and businesses. One of those programs is the PG&E Induction Cooktop Loaner Program! We were joined by Richard Young and Symone Hopkins, with Frontier Energy, to chat about the program and how PG&E customers can participate!
Did Y’all Know
More and more people do care and are considering their options for cooking and what the fuel source means within their homes. While Rochelle has written about clean cooking options through Tech Tuesdays for years now, we figured it’s time to put clean cooking to the test ourselves!
that you may have proper cookware for for an induction cooktop? We understand that many may be like us and not have cookware on hand with certain properties that work effectively with induction technology, but who knows- you just might! In this article, we'll explore and rate some of the best induction cookware sets available in the market, taking into consideration factors such as performance, durability, and overall value.
whether you are a PG&E or SCE customer, you can give an induction cooktop a try! Both utilities offer an “Induction Loaner/Lending Program” that allows you to test run your cooking skills with an induction cooktop. You may be wondering HOW do you order them? Rested assured, both PG&E and SCE have got you covered!
PG&E customers can test drive an induction cooktop unit for a two week period! Check out how to order yours here!If you are interested in learning more, PG&E also has a suite of on demand training videos if you want to learn more about specific cooking techniques, check out the catalog here: PG&E Energy Education Classes (docebosaas.com)
SCE Induction Lending Program: With advancements in induction cooking technology, induction stoves can now cook faster and safer than ever before. Induction cooktops offer more control and easier cleanup, make a great addition to residential and commercial kitchens alike, fight climate change and provide better indoor air quality. Our Table-Top Induction Range Lending Program allows Southern California Edison customers to borrow an induction unit, pot, pan or wok for up to 2 weeks, free of charge. Check out what you can reserve here!
Did Y’all Know
One of the best parts of Clean Cooking month was using our induction cooktops from PG&E! The SJVCEO celebrated Queensgiving (or Thanksgiving if you prefer) in a new way this year with Thanksgiving staples on an induction cooktop (which you can see below!) In addition to Queensgiving, each of us had a test run individually with our cooktops! From our favorite beverages to our kitchen staples, check out how easy it was for us to get cooking!
Did Y’all Know
The SJVCEO is no stranger to “Clean Cooking.” In fact, this time last year, we published an entire Technology Tuesday series covering all different avenues of energy efficient/clean cooking. We wanted to revisit this series in celebration! Take a look below!
November is nearly over so now we can officially shift gears, but before we do that- let’s check out our final Clean Cooking video! Rochelle Butler tested out one of her favorite family recipes, hot water cornbread! Keep watching until the end for a special announcement!