Why We Need Tree Canopies | Part II SJVCEOAugust 29, 2016GHG reductions, Gov. Jerry Brown, Louisville, Tree Fresno, Tree canopy, air quality, climate change, drought
USGBC Central California: Resilient Lanscaping SJVCEOAugust 23, 2016USGBC-CC, drought, fresno events, landscaping
Why We Need Tree Canopies | Part I SJVCEOJune 20, 2016GHG reductions, Tree canopy, drought, urban heat island affect, water
Agriculture Water Use, Consumer Practices and the Drought SJVCEOJune 4, 2015California, Gov. Brown, Meatless Monday, agriculture, alfalfa, almonds, drought, farmers, water conservation
Megadroughts: Our Future SJVCEOMarch 31, 2015Cash for Grass, Debbie Downer, Los Angeles County, NASA, Palm Springs, drought, megadrought