Technology Tuesdays: Tidal Energy

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One thing that is all the buzz is the discussion around renewable energy. Solar energy generation is the most popular. One reason for this is the sheer abundance of sunlight available out there. Aside from solar energy generation, there is also, wind energy, hydropower, and geothermal energy. These are all very familiar to us, but have you heard of tidal energy?

Tidal energy, relatively speaking, is the new kid on the block and is best suited to very specific geographic areas; namely, areas near the ocean. This is because tidal energy is produced using the energy from underwater shifts during low and high tides. Areas where there is a significant tidal range – difference between the low and high tides – are ideal places for tidal energy generation.

How exactly does all this work?

There are three ways to generate electricity using tidal energy. The first way being the use of tidal streams. This method consists of a turbine being placed in the natural tidal stream. The tidal stream creates a flow of water that the turbine can then use to generate electricity. This is not the most efficient method, however, because turbines are so large, they often disturb the tidal stream from which they are attempting to harness energy.

The second method has to do with damming the water and is called a barrage. Turbines are placed inside the barrage and when the tide is high, a controlled amount of water is allowed through the turbines. This energy is then harnessed and used to create electricity. This method is the most expensive because of the construction costs of the barrage itself.

The third and final method is the tidal lagoon method. A tidal lagoon is a body of ocean water that is enclosed by a barrier. This barrier can be natural or manmade. Unlike the tidal stream or the barrage, a tidal lagoon can generate electricity on a continuous basis and also have minimal impact on the environment.

These are all exciting technologies. Although, it is unlikely that they will makeup a large portion of the renewable energy portfolio anytime soon, there are regions of the world where tidal energy generation is the best choice for renewable energy.

Keep an eye out for tidal energy plants in the future!

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