Technology Tuesdays: Induction Cooktops

Hello Partners!

Unless you are living under a rock, I am sure you are aware of the California statewide initiative to electrify all buildings, including residential. I am sure you are also aware that one of the most common objections people have to electrifying their homes is they do not want to give up their natural gas cooktops.

For this week’s Technology Tuesdays, I would like to talk a bit about induction cooktops as an alternative to traditional electric cooktops and their benefits.

First, an induction cooktop is a type of electric cooktop. They fall into this category because they do not use natural gas.

What exactly is an electric cooktop and how do induction cooktops differ from them? Well, an electric cooktop is one that uses an electric current to heat coils that then heat your pot or pan which, in turn, heats your food. An induction cooktop uses the same principle but with more advanced technology; induction cooktops use electromagnetic radiation. This is the use of magnets to distribute heat through copper coils directly to your pot or pan which, in turn, heats your food.

The induction cooktop’s use of magnetic radiation provides for a number of advantages over a traditional electric cooktop. For example, induction cooktops heat food evenly. The distribution of heat in cooking is a common reason people who use natural gas cooktops are reluctant to make the transition to electric.

Another advantage induction cooktops have over traditional electric cooktops is the way they transfer heat. Magnetic radiation does not leave behind residual heat on the surface. Why is this important? This means the surface is not hot to the touch even immediately after you have cooked something. Some households that have pets and small children might find this particularly helpful. Additionally, this feature dramatically reduces clean up because food will not be cooked onto the surface.

There are not really any disadvantages to the induction cooktop other than the price. This is a relatively new technology and therefore, carries a higher price tag than the traditional technologies on the market. However, it is a great technology not to mention it supports the state’s initiate to electrify buildings. As with any other new technology, prices will surely fall as adoption increases. Let’s keep an eye out for this one!

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