Energizing the Workforce: Equality VS Equity

As I was perusing Twitter, there was an overwhelming number of articles and links of the current status of the world today and then I came across the visuals to the right. While it was the last thing that I expected, I examined it for a few seconds and then continued to scroll. I had seen the graphic before but had never given it too much thought. As the day progressed, I saw a couple different versions of this graphic pop up on my various social media platforms, so it was at that point that I decided it was time to dig a little deeper into. Have I ever considered the difference between the two? Yes, the reason being I had a professor college who emphasized that these two words are not interchangeable even though these are perceived to be, so thank you Dr. Blau. Debates amongst the difference between these two words are endless and many do think that they mean the same thing because, they are both promoting positive change. Why that may be true, I find a distinct responsibility to examine the difference between these two words, particularly in the energy space and workforce.


Equality, a word that resonates with all of us in one way or another. Equality refers to equal opportunity and the same levels of support for all. One of the most common misconceptions about equality is the notion that is you treat everyone equal in every given situation, it is just. While this may be true in some situations, it is not just in all. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), equity is "the absence of avoidable or remediable differences among groups of people, whether those groups are defined socially, economically, demographically or geographically.” Here is a concrete example:

a.  A company gives a presentation (in English) to community members (all invited) regarding an upcoming Energy Efficiency Program.

b.  A company gives a presentation in English AND Spanish to community members (all invited) regarding an upcoming Energy Efficiency Program because 65% of the population has Spanish as a primary language.

Now, this BLOG post not to supposed to give you a grammatical and historical of these two words but understanding the difference between the two is extremely important in the context of the workforce.

   Career access is one of the main points we want to continuously drive in this work. Access to opportunities, access to knowledge and access to resources that help individuals into the Energy Industry. Now, this is not just providing a mass amount of EQUAL resources amongst various communities. It is having a deeper understanding of the populations that you are engaging with. Do they all speak English? Do they have a high school diploma or college degree? What is their socioeconomic status? These are just a few questions you need to ask yourself when it comes to encouraging equity. Recognize differences of communities and then treat everyone “justly according to their circumstances” (Race Matters Institute).

  Institute of Public Health at George Washington University addresses the importance of this distinction when it comes to health. “Understanding the difference between health equality and health equity is important to public health to ensure that resources are directed appropriately — as well as supporting the ongoing process of meeting people where they are” (GWU, Public Health). This is the same for the energy industry resources particularly when it comes to hiring. Understand that the difference between equal opportunity and equitable opportunity can alter the future generation of employees into this workforce.

    Resources are key to create successful, equitable environments. Forbes released “The Difference Between Workplace Equity And Equality, And Why It Matters,” and describe the forms of equity that we must consider, particularly within the workforce. “There are other forms of equity to consider — like learning and development opportunities and opportunities for growth, success, and promotion,” explains that OPPORTUNITIES are a steppingstone to creating organizational equity. Researching and educating yourselves on populations or groups that can greatly affect the future energy industry is not only practicing equity, but it is setting us up for a workforce that embodies our communities.

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