This Month Is For The GEM | April Spotify!

If we’ve learned anything over the last 14 years implementing energy programs, it’s that a little friendly competition creates action!  When we ran the VIEW Partnership we used the SCE Energy Leader Partnership model which moved public agencies along a path towards higher incentives by completing energy projects, adopting aggressive energy efficiency policies, and participating in community and industry events.  We proudly watched as our city and county leadership bragged about their tier levels (value, silver, gold, and platinum) and happily took the calls when one public works director would be out-tiered by their neighboring city. 

When the Energy Leader Partnerships closed in 2019, we continued our work delivering services with our partners at the Southern California Regional Energy Network (SoCalREN).  And while we love the programs we’re able to deliver, we kind of felt like something was missing.  

Until now.  

Last month the SJVCEO with the SoCalREN launched our GEM Awards (for those public agencies “Going the Extra Mile”).  Participating agencies progress from emerald to ruby to sapphire to diamond, in an effort to save energy at their facilities and save money in their operating budgets!

During this challenge, public agencies in the San Joaquin Valley and High Desert regions who receive service from SCE and/or SoCalGas complete energy-saving projects/installations while sharing their successes with staff and the community. Each year partners will start on a blank slate at the beginning of the year and work through the four tiers to achieve the diamond level if they so choose. 

The process is fairly straightforward.  Public agencies need to: 

  1. Register and complete the enrollment process with SoCalREN.

  2. Promote SoCalREN programs internally. 

  3. Attend educational offerings, meetings or conference offered by SoCalREN. 

  4. Work with the SoCalREN team to collect and analyze their utility data. 

  5. Complete an electric project through SoCalREN or SCE

  6. Complete a natural gas project through SoCalREN or SoCalGas.


Participating agencies will be recognized by the SJVCEO and SoCalREN and receive awards presented at council meetings based on the level they achieve by the end of each year.  The SJVCEO team will be promoting successes throughout the year, and highlight our partners’ accomplishments to make sure everyone can understand how easy it really is to save energy and save money. So whether you’re an emerald, ruby, sapphire, or diamond—in the words of Miss Lauren Hill, “don’t be a hard rock when you really are a gem…”