Engaging SMB Customers

Meeting the customer where they are doesn’t ring truer to than working with small and medium sized business owners. These owners wear many hats in a day to keep the business running and the lights on. So, trying to find time to meet to discuss energy opportunities and programs is close to impossible.

Within California there are 4.2 million small businesses which make up a whopping 99.8% of the business sector within the state.[i] Of those millions, 1 million are minority self-employed. [ii] These numbers are eye opening and much larger than I was expecting when doing the research. Minority business owners play a crucial role in the state’s economy, and we need to focus on how we make them successful

Credit: US Small Business Administration, Office of Advocacy

Over the last year I’ve engaged with business owners and managers that are looking to make changes and upgrades but can’t find the time, money, or the program to help them. So, this is where running the Kings and Tulare Counties Green Business Network allows us to step in and assist in getting the owners to where they need to be. I am seeing firsthand missed opportunities for both business owners and the utilities that serve them. If utilities met the customer where they are and connected with them on their energy journey, I think that they would see an uptake in program participation. As stated in Forbes, “As utilities increase engagement with their SMB customers, educating them on their individual energy usage and the available energy efficiency programs, SMBs become empowered to make smarter energy decisions as powerful contributors to the American economy.”[i]

Don’t get me wrong, California is leading the way in the energy industry, but we have a bit to go on making impact with our SMB customers. Get out and engage with local businesses you will see how to tailor your approach to reach those that need it the most.


[i] https://advocacy.sba.gov/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Small-Business-Economic-Profile-CA.pdf

[i] https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2023/01/26/how-utilities-can-support-smbs-through-energy-efficiency-efforts-post-covid/?sh=59bb555dfca9

[ii] https://boostsuite.com/small-business-statistics/california/

AugustSamantha Dodero