A Breakdown of SCG's Rebate Guide | Part 3


Southern California Gas Company’s “Energy Efficiency Rebate Guide” for 2024 has launched and has countless opportunities for businesses, public agencies, and other customers to install new equipment with rebates. Check out part three of our breakdown of SCG’s EE Rebate Guide! 

Public agencies can leverage insulation products to save energy and money in their infrastructure. Below we will go over insulation products offered through SoCalGas and how you can take advantage.  

Pipe Fitting Insulation: Public agencies can insulate pipes carrying hot water or steam in buildings or infrastructure. Insulation reduces the energy required to heat water or maintain steam temperatures by preventing heat loss through the pipes. This can lead to significant energy savings, particularly in buildings with extensive piping systems like schools, hospitals, or government offices. 

Pool Covers: Because of heating and water circulation, public pools are large energy consumers. Installing pool covers when the pool is not in use helps to retain heat and reduce water evaporation. Reducing the need for heating and water replenishment results in substantial energy and water savings for public agencies managing recreational facilities.

Tank Insulation: Tanks for storing hot water can benefit from insulation to minimize heat loss. Public agencies often have tanks for various purposes, such as water storage or wastewater treatment. Insulating these tanks can significantly reduce energy consumption by maintaining desired temperatures with less heating or cooling.

Laminar Flow Restrictors: Laminar flow restrictors can be installed in faucets and showerheads to reduce water flow while maintaining adequate pressure. By achieving a more efficient flow rate, less hot water is used, leading to energy savings associated with water heating. Public agencies can implement these devices in their buildings, such as offices, schools, or community centers, to conserve water and energy.

Implementing these measures requires initial investment but SoCalGas incentives can help offset that expense. Additionally, educating staff and the public about the importance of energy conservation and the benefits of these measures can further promote their adoption and effectiveness.