What Do Boy Bands and IDSM have in Common? | SJVCEO Monthly Playlist

IDSM comes into play when we integrate or coordinate the delivery of at least three of: (1) energy efficiency (EE), (2) demand response (DR), (3) distributed generation (DG), (4) storage, (5) electric vehicle (EV) technologies, and (6) time-based rate programs. And when you think about it, there’s a lot of technology—tested and cutting-edge—that can fall under any one of those practices. 

Our Technology Tuesdays, and Fund It Fast Chats have been diving in on IDSM technology and the unique values each brings to the effectively delivering IDSM. For example, we have touched on battery technology here and here. But energy storage does not necessarily have to be in batteries. In some cases, energy storage can be in the form of storing the end product. Examples of this include, storing hot water and ice using Heat Pump Water Heaters and Ice-storage Air Conditioners, respectively. These technologies allow for energy to be used during the off-peak hours and stores it for use during peak hours so energy is not being drawn from the grid and customers will save money without noticing any changes in their comfort level and without having to modify behaviors. (https://www.sjvceo.com/blogee/tech-tuesday-idsm-2024 )

When we think about it, the coordination required to deliver IDSM demands cooperation, understanding, and balance. Everyone and everything has to play their part just so. To achieve a true IDSM approach for portfolios technologies have to be in sync or, as it were, *NSYNC. 

Courtney’s Picks:
There are times when the generations within the SJVCEO show themselves. Boy bands may be one of those generation defining topics. You see, I’m very much Gen X—I have no love for the boy band—at least not in the millennial iteration. No. For me it’s a different kind of synchronous sway, a smooth harmony that begs your forgiveness or confesses a deep desire. Give me the all-men groups of 90s R&B with their body-rocking, boot-knocking hits any day! 

Poison, Bell Biv DeVoe
Too Close, Next
No Diggity, Blackstreet
Let’s Get Married, Jagged Edge, RUN

Sam’s Picks:
As a child of the 90’s boy bands who grew up on NSYNC and the Backstreet Boys, boy bands have a special place in my heart. Whether you would like to admit it or not boy bands have figured out how to make different personalities and talents come together to create tunes that get stuck in your heads...for decades! Much of the same can be said for IDSM technology, it takes all types of tech to come together to help save in a facility or campus.

Steal My GIrl, One Direction
I Want It That Way, Backstreet Boys
Summer Girls,  LFO
You Got It, New Kids on the Block

Kelsey’s Picks:
I am going to be honest, if I could have One Direction be every song choice, I would. But I figured I should mix it up a bit plus Sam has one of my favorite boy band songs of all time (LFO is the BEST). Boy bands notably produce some of the most exciting and catchy songs, just like how IDSM technology can produce savings right? The synchronization of both boy bands and technology (respectively) can bring forth positives for us all!

All or Nothing, O-Town
Story of My Life, One Direction
She Looks So Perfect, 5 Seconds of Summer
Dance Before We Walk, August Moon

Rochelle’s Picks:
Boy bands have been around for many decades and are represented in nearly every era of music. I have chosen music from a collection of boy bands that were popular when I was growing up and whose music was the soundtrack to many of my most fond memories. What do boy bands have to do with IDSM and technology? Much the same way boy bands are known for their choreographed dance moves and vocal harmonies, technology often plays the role of “choreographing” and “harmonizing” by automating the way we use energy which is one of the foundational components of IDSM.

If It Isn’t Love, New Edition
How Deep Is Your Love, Dru Hill
Where the Party At (feat. Nelly) [LP Mix featuring Nelly], Jagged Edge featuring Nelly
All I Do Is Think of You, Troop