How to “Go the Extra Mile” with SoCalREN

To kick off 2023, SJVCEO is challenging our partners to Go the Extra Mile (GEM) in energy conservation and energy education. This new award opportunity may look familiar to those VIEW Partners who have participated in the SCE Energy Leader Model with a few new additions.

During this challenge we are asking our public agencies in the San Joaquin Valley and High Desert regions who receive service from SoCal Edison and/or SoCalGas to explore energy saving projects while sharing their successes with staff and the community. Each year partner will start on a blank slate at the beginning of the year and work through the four tiers to achieve the diamond level if they so choose.

Now let’s dive into the details!

  1. Register: An agency must complete the enrollment process for SoCalREN

  2. Promote Programs: An agency must promote SoCalREN program information internally with municipal staff. This can be through the actions that you see here or additional promotional avenues.

  3. Attend Meetings: Must participate in educational offerings through SoCalREN or attend eligible conferences or trainings. If you are unsure if a specific meeting or conference can qualify under this activity, please ask and we will provide you with the appropriate feedback

  4. Energy Data Management: Must work with SoCalREN to collect and analyze utility data. This can be energy benchmarking,

    1. Examples include Energy Star Portfolio benchmarking or a more in-depth approach of Comparative Energy Analysis which helps to pinpoint in efficiencies more precisely in buildings.

  5. Complete an electric project: an agency must execute an electric project through a SoCalREN or SoCal Edison Program

  6. Complete a gas project: an agency must execute a gas project through a SoCalREN or SoCal Gas Program

We hope our public agencies will join us in this year’s challenge!