Got Grants? | February Edition

Our first #GotGrants of 2023 is live! Take a look at three new grant opportunities available for public agencies in California with an emphasis in climate change and resilience.

1. Integrated Climate Adaptation and Resiliency Program's Climate Adaptation Planning Grant

Who:  Public Agency Tribal Government

What: The APGP provides funding to help fill planning needs, provides communities the resources to identify climate resilience priorities, and supports the development of climate resilient projects across the state.

When: Application deadline March 31st, 2023

How Much: Total program budget- $6.6 million Amount per award: $150,000 – $650,000

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2.  Addressing Climate Impacts

Who: Nonprofit Public Agency Tribal Government

What: For projects addressing urgent degrading water and habitat conditions due to climate change impacts, a portion of which will be available for grants. Eligible uses of these funds include purchasing water from willing sellers to benefit wildlife, protecting instream flows, building water conservation projects, implementing emergency restoration activities, and conservation strategies identified in the State Wildlife Action Plan with a priority on actions that protect the Species of Greatest Conservation Need identified in the Plan.

When: Application is ongoing

How Much: Total program budget- $35 million

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3. CDFA Community Resilience Centers Program

Who: Business Nonprofit Public Agency Tribal Government (CRC program focuses investment on disadvantaged communities and disadvantaged unincorporated communities)

What: The purpose of the California Department of Food and Agriculture’s (CDFA) Community Resilience Centers (CRC) Program is to build local resilience across California communities by improving community facilities. It is a priority of the CRC program to fund resilience center projects in disadvantaged communities and disadvantaged unincorporated communities, or sites serving these communities.

When: Application deadline is February 27th, 2023

How Much: Estimated amount per award (1-10) $5,000,000 – $38,000,000

Learn More:

If you need more help applying or a community partner to collaborate with, the SJVCEO can help. Email our Executive Director, Courtney Kalashian,, to find out how we can support public agencies at no cost in pursuit of grant funding