Welcome to "Got Grants?"

Come one, come all! Welcome to SJVCEO’s newest blog series #GotGrants. This monthly blog series will highlight 3-5 grant opportunities that can range from funding your next venture at your wastewater treatment plant to a statewide tree planting program. Keep your eyes peeled for the latest update the first week of each month. Without further ado- please find our first round of grants below and check back next month for more #GotGrants!

FY 2021 Energizing Insular Communities Grant Program

  • Who: Eligible applicants are local government entities, independent authorities, and educational institutions

  • What: The Office of Insular Affairs (OIA) is requesting proposals for its Energizing Insular Communities (EIC) Program which provides grant funding for sustainable energy strategies that mitigate climate change, reduce reliance and expenditures on imported fuels, develop and utilize domestic energy sources, and improve the performance of energy infrastructure and overall energy efficiency in the territories.

  • When: Submit by June 30th, 2021

  • How Much: Total Program Funding- $8,500,000

  • Learn More: https://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view-opportunity.html?oppId=332462

Community Facilities Direct Loan & Grant Program in California

  • Who: Public bodies, Community-based non-profit corporations, Federally-recognized Tribes

  • What: This program provides affordable funding to develop essential community facilities in rural areas. An essential community facility is defined as a facility that provides an essential service to the local community for the orderly development of the community in a primarily rural area, and does not include private, commercial, or business undertakings.

  • When: Rolling acceptance, program status is OPEN in the state of California

  • How Much: Dependent on agency, click here for more information

  • Learn More: https://www.rd.usda.gov/programs-services/community-facilities-direct-loan-grant-program/ca?pid=

SJVAPCD Bike Path Program

  • Who: Limited to municipalities, government agencies and public educational institutions located within the boundaries of the District.

  • What: The District is currently accepting applications for bicycle infrastructure projects, including Class I (Bicycle Path Construction), Class II (Bicycle Lane Striping), or Class III (Bicycle Route) projects. The program provides funding to assist with the development or expansion of a comprehensive bicycle-transportation network which will provide a viable transportation option for travel to school, work, and commercial sites.

  • When: Rolling acceptance, program is active and ongoing

  • How Much: See incentive breakdown below


Additional Opportunities

CFCC Funding Fair
The California Financing Coordinating Committee invites you to attend a free virtual funding fair on May 20th and May 27th! The funding fair provides an opportunity to obtain information about currently available infrastructure grant, loan and bond financing programs, and options. In addition, the funding fair provides an opportunity for attendees to speak directly with program staff about specific projects and issues affecting their community. Register here!