Take Control with PG&E Time of Use

Time-of-Use rate plans are based on how much energy you use and when you use it. By shifting some electricity usage to times when costs are less and demand is down, you can lower your bill and support a healthier environment.

Changing when you use some electricity will help California make progress toward its clean energy goals. Check out some helpful tips below to help you save with TOU rates!

Anytime: Turn it off 
Turning lights, appliances, TVs, and computers off while not in use is one of the easiest ways to conserve energy.

Morning to midday: Pre-cool your home 
If you have air conditioning, cool your home during lower-priced times. Then, nudge it up to 78 F or higher (health permitting) during peak times.

Late afternoon to evening: Load first, run later 
During peak times, get your dishes loaded and your clothes ready to wash or dry, then wait until lower-priced off-peak times to wash them.

Late night: Press the start button 
When peak time ends, run your laundry or dishwasher overnight.

Take a look here https://www.pge.com/en_US/residential/rate-plans/rate-plan-options/time-of-use-base-plan/time-of-use-plan.page to learn more about PG&E’s rate plans!