Statewide LG EE Best Practices: Weekly Update

Here are your wEEkly Updates:

News and Opportunities

The plan provides a 10-year roadmap to activate market forces and transform California's existing residential, commercial, and public building stock into high-performing and energy-efficient buildings. With the passing of SB 350 last October, the plan was updated to align with the more aggressive targets. The California Energy Commission is currently seeking comments on the draft updates. Comments are due by October 24, 2016.

Energy Department Announces New Projects between U.S. and China to Cut Emissions
The U.S. Department of Energy announced nine new energy performance contracting pilot projects that bring together U.S. and Chinese companies to boost the energy efficiency of buildings in China and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. A combination of clean energy retrofits and upgrades will save the selected facilities on energy costs over the lifetime of the contracts by making them more energy efficient.

The Energy Efficiency Revolution
This article looks at the then and now of energy efficiency, looking at green buildings, smart glass, driverless cars, and cool roofs as key opportunities toward an energy efficient future.

In the Quest for Efficiency, Nothing Is More Important than Quality Measurement Tools
The bottom line is that three exciting things are happening: exacting measurements unheard of even a decade ago are now possible: that data can be crunched in "big data" repositories, usually in the cloud; and the same IoT and advanced communications infrastructure that makes the granular measurements possible gives building managers the ability to control energy use just as precisely.

10/18 (webinar) What You Should Know About Financing Energy Efficiency Upgrades
Learn how public sector organizations are improving energy efficiency with innovative solutions to financial barriers. Attendees will learn about financing projects in the public and private sectors, the basics of performance contracting, and how EPA's tools and resources can help you make the decision to improve your facilities now or later.

10/19 (San Diego / webinar) Coordinating Committee Meeting #10
The California Energy Efficiency Coordinating Committee is a key venue by which stakeholders can provide input into the development of the Program Administrators' energy efficiency Business Plans, Implementation Plans, and related matters that are central to Energy Efficiency portfolios approved by the CPUC. Draft agenda available here.​

10/27 (webinar) Connect 4: Energy Efficiency in Relation to Other Program and City Goals (101)
Join this Better Buildings Peer Exchange call to discuss how energy efficiency relates to city and utility climate plans, resiliency, seismic upgrades, and even food waste reduction goals.

2/2/2017 - 2/4/2017 (St. Louis, Missouri) New Partners for Smart Growth Conference
Registration is now open for the 16th Annual New Partners for Smart Growth: Practical Tools and Innovative Strategies for Creating Great Communities Conference. This conference will feature 80+ conference sessions - plenaries, breakouts, implementation workshops, focused trainings - and much more over three full days. 

5/21/2017 - 5/23/2017 (Chicago) ACEEE Energy Efficiency Finance Forum
Save the date! The Finance Forum offers of variety of options for you to participate through speaking, learning, and networking opportunities.​

​Resources and Reports

SDG&E Strategic Plan Best Practices Report
Since 2010, San Diego Gas & Electric has been working with local governments toward achieving the goals laid out in the California Long-term Energy Efficiency Strategic Plan.This report highlights some of the best practices and lessons learned from the Strategic Plan projects completed to date.​

Scaling Up Participation and Savings in Residential Retrofit Programs
This report explores opportunities for residential retrofit programs to grow participation and realize the anticipated energy savings. It begins with a discussion of program challenges, followed by strategies to address those challenges and examples of current programs employing these strategies. Here's also an aricle on LEDs Lighting the Way Toward Residential Lighting Controls.

International Energy Agency: Energy Efficiency Market Report 2016
This report tracks the core indicators of efficiency progress and policy development globally. It demonstrates why strong energy efficiency policy is vital to achieving the central energy-policy goals of reducing energy bills, addressing climate change and air pollution, improving energy security, and increasing energy access.

Nuestro Futuro: Climate Change and U.S. Latinos
This report examines the unique challenges facing U.S. Latinos, as well as the tremendous opportunities available if we take climate action. Solutions like ramping up wind and solar energy and increased energy efficiency will help to create well-paid jobs, save money by cutting electric bills, and help safeguard future generations of all Americans from catastrophic climate change.

That is all for this week!