Statewide LG EE Best Practices: Weekly Update

Here are your wEEkly Updates:
1. This is the last wEEkly Update promoting the March 16th Public Sector Sub-Committee meeting, a great way to get involved with the new and open process through which stakeholders can review Program Administrator energy efficiency program planning. If you have are interested in what energy efficiency program funding, technical assistance, or other support will be offered through your IOU, your Regional Energy Network, or CCA, your participation is strongly encouraged. This opportunity is unique and covers program planning for the next five years! For information on how to participate (or to simply listen in), and more background on who the Committee is, where the planning review process came from, and other rolling portfolio cycle developments, click here.
2. Also March 16th: concept letters will due for the $320 million available through the Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities (AHSC) program funded through the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF). For more information, click here.
3. Building energy efficiency growth of 8% led the 2015 growth in the U.S. advanced energy market, which now tops $200 billion, according to AEE. Key investments include LEDs, lighting controls, and other advanced building solutions – such as energy storage. Read more here.
4. The California Energy Commission (CEC) approved $4.3 million in investments in natural gas efficiency earlier this week. Technologies and measures invested in include waste heat recovery for industrial furnaces and steam boilers, absorption chiller technology developments, and a high-efficiency solar thermal demonstration. Another $8 million was approved for investments in technologies and research to reduce plug load energy consumption. A summary, and meeting agenda are both available.
5. Municipal successes through EE and renewables: Spurred by the City of West Palm Beach completing its US Department of Energy Better Buildings Challenge five years earlythis article reviews other cities across the country targeting deep savings through a combination of investments in energy efficiency and renewables.
6. Low-income programming best practices: A new report from ACEEE looks at how EE programming can best reach low-income households. As shared in the ACEEE blog post, and discussed in last month’s California’s Clean Economy legislative hearing. Looking for more resources for serving low-income communities? Click here.
7. California’s Natural Resource Agency released a new report earlier this week, Safeguarding California: Implementation Action Plans. The report showcases the state’s activities to reduce carbon consumption and prepare for activities – including droughts, wildfires, and sea level rise – expected with climate change. To read about the role of energy efficiency policies and programs (including the state’s Energy Efficiency Strategic Plan, visit the Energy Sector Plan of the report. The report in full is available here.
8. To share with school energy leaders: the New Buildings Institute is holding a series of trainings for achievement of zero net energy in schools, with the next training coming up this Monday, March 14th in San Mateo.  For the March 14th agenda, a fact sheet, and information on additional trainings, click here.
9. Job announcement: Empower Efficiency is hiring for a Salesforce Administrator/Data Manager. Click here to visit the post on their website.
As always, you can keep track of relevant events by connecting to the EE Events Calendar, and find more resources on the EECoordinator website.

That is all for this week!