Statewide LG EE Best Practices: Weekly Update

Here are your wEEkly Updates:

1. Call for climate adaptation proposals: The call for session proposals for this year’s California Adaptation Forum has been extended! The Adaptation Forum will take place in Long Beach, CA September 7th-8th. Learn more here.

2. Valuing EE in buildings: I’ve been hearing from a number of local governments about the importance of solid statistics on the financial value of energy efficiency for buildings leads, contractors, realtors, and residents to make efficiency decisions that can transform the market. A new study published in the Journal of Structured Finance analyzes California homes and shares some great statistics on resell values of homes with PACE projects: read the results, and connect to more resources on valuing EE, here.

3. AB 802 Comment Period Extended: Related to energy disclosure and valuing EE, the CEC has extended the comment period on their proposed implementation of AB 802 benchmarking and energy disclosure requirements to April 15th. A transcript of the March 25th meeting covering their proposal and public comments has also been added to their website for review. For more, click here.

4. EE technology best practices: the U.S. Department of Energy's 2015 Quadrennial Technology Review has been released, and contains a wealth of best practices information in deploying technologies for energy efficiency (and other benefits). Click here to review in full, or here to connect to the chapter on Advanced Building Technologies.

5. Funding for Healthy Cities: More than $1.5 million is available to small/medium cities, counties and tribes: click here for more information. For more EE, energy and sustainability-related funding opportunities, click here.

6. Valuing cap and trade implementation for low-income Californians: A new study from UCLA has analyzed the value of cap and trade programming and compliance costs for low-income Californians, and found positive results. Click here for more.

7. Upcoming webinars from USEPA, USDOE, and more: click here to review more than 10 webinars coming up this month offering support on EPA Portfolio Manager, serving low-income communities, navigating DOE's new weatherization center, and renewables integration in California.

8. Building code training opportunities added: Looking for more Title 24 training opportunities? No-cost trainings for building inspectors, plan examiners, consultants, and more are available from Energy Code Ace. Click here to see their training schedule or to request a training. The CEC will also be offering building code trainings through local ICC Chapters – click here for more information.

9. Energy storage financing: More and more local governments are incorporating energy storage into their energy and resiliency planning. An event covering the status of energy storage, and how to implement using financing, will be held by the Clean Energy Advisory Financing Council (CEFAC) in San Francisco and by webinar April 12th. For more information, click here.

10. EE, sustainability and economic growth: click here for 5 signs that sustainability is the new engine for global economic growth. For more on EE supporting economic growth, check out these short videos from the Construction Climate Talks and testimonials from businesses using EPA ENERGY STAR.

11. Several job announcements today: the City of San Diego is hiring for an Energy Program Coordinator! Learn more here.

12. Job announcement: Marin Clean Energy is hiring for a Customer Programs Specialist and a Law Clerk (Intern). Learn more here.

13. Job announcement: the Port of San Diego is hiring for a Senior Environmental Specialist. Click here for more information.

14. Leverage CivicSpark this coming year: And, a reminder that for local governments looking for capacity for energy efficiency and sustainability, now is the time to propose a project for a CivicSpark AmeriCorps fellow for the coming year! Learn more here.

As always, you can keep track of relevant events by connecting to the EE Events Calendar, and find more resources being added daily on the EECoordinator website

That’s all for this week!