Statewide LG EE Best Practices: Weekly Update

For those of you who know who Joseph Oldham is you likely are on his email distribution list and receive this update each week.  We are grateful that Joseph has agreed to allow our little blog to re-post his weekly update.  If you have an interest in the happenings of energy efficiency and local government throughout California this is the update for you! 

1.  Register Now: Webinar on the Economic Risks of Climate Change in California - Tuesday, 7/14 11am-12:30pm  at

Join the Alliance of Regional Collaboratives for Climate Change (ARCCA) and Risky Business Project for a webinar diving into Risky Business' economic risk assessment of climate change in California with the lead author of the California report, Jamesine Rogers, and Risky Business' Communications Director, Tan Copsey. Learn about the advantages of taking a risk-based approach to climate change, how to best engage the business community in pursuit of shared goals, and how ARCCA member regional collaboratives are working to advance climate resilience and adaptation.

2.  Renewables to Account for 26% of Total Microgrid Capacity by 2020, Says GTM

This is an interesting report from GTM about the contributions of various technologies that will be incorporated into micro-grids by 2020.  To read the full report, go to this link:

3.  Tiny, Solar-Powered Circuit Is 80% Efficient

Normally I don’t include reports about new technology breakthroughs, but this one could have significant impacts on energy efficiency projects in the future.  Read the full article to see why.  You can find the article here:

4.  Net Zero Building Tour, July 21

What does a net zero energy retrofit look like? When the team at Sharp Development is involved, repurposing an old tilt-up for a new life both pencils out and looks beautiful. If you have heard Kevin Bates from Sharp talk about their successful retrofit of 435 Indio in Sunnyvale, you'll want to get a first-hand look at their latest project, 415 Mathilda (right next door).

Join us on Tuesday July 21 at 5:30 PM to tour the facility and learn about it from Kevin, then enjoy a reception onsite.

Brought to you by the City of Sunnyvale, Joint Venture, San Mateo County Energy Watch, Silicon Valley Energy Watch, and ULI-Silicon Valley Committee.

And that is all for this week!