What Has SJVCEO Been Up to in May

During the month of May SJVCEO has been very busy cracking down on killowatts in our jurisdictions. Each of our programs have been working hard saving local governments, homeowners and businesses energy and money on their electricity bills.

For the VIEW Partnership our team members have been busy planning community outreach events as well as benchmarking away! We have been working on updating all energy data in our online benchmarking system and moving projects through the energy pipeline. We are happy to announce that we are well on our way of meeting our energy saving goal for the year!

Our community outreach events are beginning to take shape for the fall. This year we are planning to have around 4 events during the months of September and October. These events are in the early planning stages and will be announced and shared on our webpage once plans are finalized. The VIEW Partnership is also happy to announce the expansion of our community outreach events. Starting in 2016 the Partnership will be working with SoCal Edison on putting together summer outreach events. We will be looking into partnering with Edison and the local communities for fun summer events as well as cooling centers. We here at VIEW are very excited about our upcoming events. We enjoy being out in the community educated residents on energy efficiency programs that are available to them. 

Our METU program that is working with municipalities in PG&E territory is making great headway. We have just completed benchmarking the City of Fowler and found some savings in both their lighting as well as their HVAC systems.  After we presented our data analysis to the City of San Joaquin we found savings potential in their waster water treatment plant, water wells, lighting and HVAC and are moving those projects forward. We will report the savings back to you once we get the final numbers. Our METU team will be beginning to benchmark the City of Firebaugh the end of this month and hope to have large potential savings in their waste water treatment plants. Our next presentations of our program will be at the Cities of Reedley and Kingsburg.

Since we are part of the EV Partnership here in the San Joaquin Valley we are happy to announce that the Partnership now has a new webpage. Click here to check it out. Make sure to check up on the website since it is loaded with important EV tips and news updated on a regular basis.

Check in next month to see what else we have been up to!