Stay in the loop with SJVCEO: April's Update!

The SJVCEO team has been very busy these past two months so please excuse the missing March update. We have been busy stopping into our local jurisdictions as well as taking IOU training to make sure that we stay up to date on what we are able to offer our partners.

When it comes to the VIEW Partnership we have quite a few new exciting things to report this month! Our project analyst for the Partnership has been busy working away on a energy action plan for the City of Farmersville. Now that the action plan is complete and reviewed by the City Manager it will be presented to the the City Council for approval. VIEW is also continuing to roll out the launch of our first ever energy challenge, titled Kill-A-Watt Krackdown. This energy challenge takes place in both Kings and Tulare Counties and challenges small and medium sized businesses to understand how their energy is being used as well as how to lower their energy usage. Lowering energy usage can come from either energy upgrades or behavior modifications. Through this challenge we are  wanting to show businesses how easy it can be to save and earn recognition for saving. If you or your business are interested please contact the VIEW Partnership at (877) 748-0841 or

The Partnership is also excited to reveal its brand new website, click here to check it out! We have been working to update the website with a modern format as well as pictures. We have kept all of the same useful energy saving information, but just gave it a little bit of a face lift. We hope that you will enjoy it as much as we do!

As for our Municipal Energy Tune-Up program (METU) program we are currently embarking on the second phase of the program, starting with the City of San Joaquin, where a post-benchmarking report was delivered detailing the temporal changes in energy consumption spanning a 10-year period, controlling for population increases (for pumps) and for weather (for pumps and buildings).  This lead to several referrals being made on behalf of the city to third party programs.  Contact with the cities PG&E ES&S representative and the city will be maintained to ensure ground is being made on any feasible energy project arising from those referrals.

Additionally, outreach was made to other PG&E ES&S Customer Relationship Managers in the Fresno and Madera County regions, with every assigned representative to those cities having been informed about the METU, and for us, an understanding of how best to approach each city.  Another outreach effort, done by Courtney Kalashian, led to Kern County being added to the rolls of METU participants, effectively doubling the number of accounts that we have begun working with.  With over 400 accounts, we definitely have our work cut out for us, and we expect to find some large energy savings!

Stay Tuned for Next Months Update!