Statewide LG EE Best Practices: Weekly Update

For those of you who know who Joseph Oldham is you likely are on his email distribution list and receive this update each week.  We are grateful that Joseph has agreed to allow our little blog to re-post his weekly update.  If you have an interest in the happenings of energy efficiency and local government throughout California this is the update for you! If you love the information here, but want more in depth features be sure to check out Joseph's quarterly newsletter, CURRENTS.

1.  Job Posting: Manager of Business and Community Development

Marin Clean Energy is announcing a recruitment for the position of Manager of Business and Community Development.  The announcement can also be found at under About us/Staff.  Resumes should be sent to by April 10.

2.   Notice of Request for Public Input on the Implementation of 2013 Building Energy Efficiency Standards
California Energy Commission staff will conduct a public meeting to solicit additional information as a result of stakeholder inquiries on the implementation of the 2013 Building Energy Efficiency Standards. Staff will provide an overview of the process to collect and consider stakeholder comments as part of the ongoing implementation of the 2013 Building Energy Efficiency Standards (California Code of Regulations, Title 24, Part 6 and associated administrative regulations in Part 1, Chapter 10).

Friday, April 10, 2015
10 a.m.
1516 Ninth Street
Charles Imbrecht Hearing Room
Sacramento, California
Wheelchair Accessible

The meeting notice is available at:

Remote Attendance

You may participate in this meeting through WebEx, the Energy Commission's online meeting service.  Presentations will appear on your computer screen, and you may listen to audio via your computer or telephone.  Please be aware that the meeting may be recorded.

To join a meeting:

VIA COMPUTER:  Go to and enter the unique meeting number: 926 456 978

When prompted, enter your name and the following meeting password: meeting @1

The "Join Conference" menu will offer you a choice of audio connections:

1.   To call into the meeting: Select "I will call in" and follow the on-screen directions.

2.   International Attendees: Click on the "Global call-in number" link.

3.  To have WebEx call you: Enter your phone number and click "Call Me."

4.  To listen over the computer:  If you have a broadband connection, and a headset or a computer microphone and speakers, you may use VolP (Internet audio) by going to the Audio menu, clicking on "Use Computer Headset," then "Call Using Computer."

VIA TELEPHONE ONLY (no visual presentation):  Call 1-866-469-3239 (toll-free in the U.S. and Canada).  When prompted, enter the unique meeting number: 926 456 978. International callers may select their number from

If you have difficulty joining the meeting, please call the WebEx Technical
Support number at 1-866-229-3239.

For more information:
(If link above doesn't work, please copy entire link into your web browser's URL)

3.   Request for Qualifications - Business Plan Consultant
Marin Clean Energy will be engaging a consultant to write a business plan for the MCE’s 2016 Energy Efficiency Programs.  The RFI may be found at

4.   CO2 Emissions Flat-line in 2014
Here is an encouraging article from Forbes Magazine this week about global CO2 emissions.  To read the full story, go here:

5. EnergyPro Nonresidential V6.2 Announcement

The conditional approval of EnergyPro V6.2 for nonresidential buildings will expire at 5 p.m. on March 31, 2015. After that date, building departments will not be able to accept new permit applications for projects modeled with the performance module of EnergyPro V6.2. The conditional approval expiration does not affect building department permit applicants using compliance documentation generated by V6.2's prescriptive modules.

CBECC-Com and IES Virtual Environment compliance software are currently approved for nonresidential building permit purposes. Download links, status and technical assistance information about all approved modeling software may be found on the Energy Commission's "2013 Building Energy Efficiency Standards Approved Computer Compliance Programs" webpage at:


For assistance with understanding or locating information in the 2013 Energy Standards, contact the Energy Standards Hotline at: (800) 772-3300 (toll-free in California); (916) 654-5106 (outside California); or via email at

For more information:
(If link above doesn't work, please copy entire link into your web browser's URL)

And that is all for this week!