Statewide LG EE Best Practices: Weekly Update

For those of you who know who Joseph Oldham is you likely are on his email distribution list and receive this update each week.  We are grateful that Joseph has agreed to allow our little blog to re-post his weekly update.  If you have an interest in the happenings of energy efficiency and local government throughout California this is the update for you! If you love the information here, but want more in depth features be sure to check out Joseph's quarterly newsletter, CURRENTS.  

1. ATTENTION!!  R.13-11-005 Commissioner/ALJ Joint Ruling
Parties interested in the 10 year rolling portfolio cycle proceeding at the CPUC should open this link and read the joint ruling!

Commissioner Peterman and Administrative Law Judge Edmister’s Joint Ruling Re Phase II Prehearing Conference Statements.  The full text of this ruling is made available through the link provided below.  The ruling was issued on January 13, 2015.

In the event of problems with the e-mail or the internet link, please contact Elizabeth Kiss at, telephone #(415) 703-2547.

2. Job Announcement: Intermittent Energy Council Program Manager

The Energy Council is hiring an intermittent Program Manager to support the implementation of current programs and development of new funding proposals. This position will work on externally funded projects, including the existing regional multifamily program, innovative financing, and pilot programs in Alameda County. Priority areas for additional funding include water-energy nexus, municipal building operations, and integrated services for small and medium sized businesses.

Applications are due on Monday, February 9 at 5 pm. Please forward to anyone you think may be interested!

3.   Smart Building Predictions for 2015
Good article and worth reading.  Discussion of micro-grids is especially interesting.

4. Quantity Quotes Green Purchasing Tool

Here is a new tool from StopWaste to help purchase energy and water saving equipment more efficiently.  Please contact Stephanie with any questions or feedback.  The description of the tool is as follows:

Quantity Quotes (, an online purchasing tool that makes it easy for organizations around the nation to buy green and resource-efficient products, has expanded its offerings with five new product categories.   Available as a free service, Quantity Quotes offers a one-stop shopping experience to large-quantity buyers – such as utilities, governments, affordable and multifamily housing providers, colleges and universities. Through the site, buyers select the products they want to purchase, then receive competitive bids from multiple vendors.

All products offered on the Quantity Quotes site must meet environmental and energy efficiency criteria, such as ENERGY STAR and WaterSense standards, developed by the Environmental Protection Agency. Products include:

·         CFL and LED bulbs (new!)
·         Water-efficient toilets, showerheads, and faucets (new!)
·         Water-efficient commercial pre-rinse spray valves (new!)
·         Energy-efficient light fixtures
·         Dehumidifiers
·         Dishwashers and refrigerators
·         Clothes washers
·         Room air conditioners
·         Recycled- content insulation (new!)

Stephanie Stern
Program Manager | StopWaste
1537 Webster St. | Oakland, CA  94612

5.  How to Measure Energy Efficiency Improvements

Those interested in data and measurement of energy savings should find this article interesting and worth reading.

6. Energy Saving Tactics for Restaurants

For Local Government Partnerships that work with restaurants within their communities to help them reduce their energy use, this article is worth reading.

That is all for this week!