California Cap-and-Trade Auction Proceeds Investment Plan meeting

The evening of Tuesday February 19th welcomed a convergence of environmental activity in downtown Fresno. It was at 5pm in room 1036 of the Mariposa Mall Building that leaders and concerned citizens from a wide range of backgrounds came together to discuss where the initial funds generated from the California Cap-and-Trade program should be invested. The first of three planned workshops started off with panelists from the Department of Finance, EPADepartment of Transportation, ARB, Water Board, SGC and others  

The goal of this public meeting was to come together and share comments on how best to establish a framework for developing an investment plan for projects and programs to be funded with Cap- and Trade auction proceeds. SB 535 further requires that 25% of the proceeds that will be expended benefit disadvantaged communities and at least 10% of the proceeds expended to be invested in projects located within those communities. One of the best comments made was that although these numbers are minimum criteria, it is important to understand that they are a minimum and not a maximum.

The EPA has developed and GIS based program (CalEnviroScreen) which takes into account 16 different indicators to establish geographical priority areas. This tool uses existing environmental, health and socio-economic data in order to evaluate the impacts of environmental pollution throughout the state. It is expected to aid state and local government address pollution abatement, prioritize enforcement of environmental laws, and make informed planning decisions.(   

Take a look at the finished produce and let us know what you think.

This first link is to the maps showing CalEnviroScreen Statewide results 

This link is to the maps showing the top 10% highest scoring census zip codes 

This link is to the maps showing the top 5, 10, and 15% highest scoring census zip codes 

We would like to know how you think California decision makers should invest these funds. By using the following two criteria please submit your answers as we would love to hear what it is your thinking.

  1. What criteria should be prioritized in the development of an investment plan for auction funds and why?
  2. How can California effectively invest the auction funds to meet the goals of Assembly Bill 32 (AB 32) including support of long-term, transformative efforts to improve public health and develop a clean energy economy?

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