New Web Site Provides Resources For Teachers Of Renewable Energy & Job Seekers

My outfit, the San Joaquin Valley Clean Energy Organization in Fresno, is dedicated to fostering the development of renewable power and energy-efficiency projects in a 240-mile resource-rich region in the heart of California.

The Valley has abundant sun, and thousands of acres of flat former farm land ideally suited for large-scale solar facilities. The Tehachapi wind farm is just off its southern tip, and energy companies here have ready access to the transmission grid and to the human and academic resources of nearby universities such as UC Merced, Fresno State University and Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo.

Dead center in California and sandwiched between three major metropolitan areas, the San Joaquin Valley is positioned to play a prominent role in the emerging green-energy movement. We are helping that along.

The SJVCEO has unveiled an online resource for teachers, students and job seekers as its part of a larger Employment Development Department grant. The Web site contains lesson plans for high school teachers, links to help-wanted sites and green employers, reports and white papers and other information.

The site is still a work in progress, and will expand as we find more stuff to post. If you have any suggestions or recommendations for the site, please pass them along.

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