Move over Energy Star

A proposal dubbed Building Star before the U.S. Senate would provide $6 billion for commercial and multi-family energy efficiency retrofits. Justin Moresco reported the story in Earth2Tech, likening it to a sibling of the White House proposal Home Star, which would provide billions more in residential retrofits.

"The bill, dubbed 'Building Star' and playing off the name of the Environmental Protection Agency’s Energy Star program, would cover about 30 percent of the cost of energy-related equipment and services including energy audits, building envelope insulation, mechanical equipment upgrades, lighting and energy management and monitoring equipment," Moresco writes.

Sens. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., Mark Pryor, D-Ark., sponsored the bill touting its job creation benefits and small business friendliness. A statement on Merkley's Web site said that by utilizing rebates and low-interest loans, the Building Star program would leverage between two and three dollars in private investment for every federal dollar spent. “Clean energy is not only the next great growth industry, but it’s an engine for job creation,” Merkley said.

The proposal would fit very well with what the SJVCEO hopes to accomplish in its quest to revitalize Main Streets in communities across the Valley. We haven't heard whether our Greening Main Street proposal before the U.S. Department of Energy has been successful but we hope through any means possible to substantially improve the efficiency of downtown districts, save money and create jobs.
Photo: Corcoran recently revamped its downtown with facade face lifts on many buildings.